Experiment ‘how it works’ Explore science at home Cook Weekly cleaning Read books Art and crafts from recycling scrap Playdate with friends Enact a play with friends Learn to code Visit a kennel and share the love Raise a garden Create an obstacle course and master it Make time-lapse videos Lego models Walk in the park Build a tent Watch a movie in a tent Build a fort Dress up Play cards Write a story Indoor treasure hunt Fly rockets Build Mechanix Learn to knit /sew Explore modeling with siblings/friends Try makeup Leaf scrapbook Dead Insect collection Stamp/coin collection Go to a library Pretend play Badminton Swimming Meetup with friends Make clay pots Beach stroll Coffee Online meeting Making shaped ice cubes Jigsaw puzzles Visit museum Get together with family and friends Game nights Board games Build an indoor swimming pool Wash your car/bike Gaze at the stars at night Invite a friend Go cycling in the neighborhood Paint/draw Stare at the ceiling